Be a Better Crap Shooter
take this advice from a guy who has been stalking the gambling halls of Reno, Henderson, Fernley,, Elko and Las Vegas for many, many years. The gambling bosses won’t like what I have say about it. This may not make you a huge winner overnight. Get that out of your head right from the start. But, your money will last longer, you will be happy in the knowledge that you know the ins and outs of the game of craps, as opposed to that sucker at the other end of the lay-out who is throwing his money down the drain. The gambling odds on a crap table are immutable. There is no legal way to change them. This is not a gambling book, just a short, concise lesson of what not to and what you absolutely do need to do. The first lesson is, never play the field, never play the big 6 or big 8, never play the proposition bets. .Sure, you may get lucky, it is gambling , but the odds are against you. Some of those bets take as much as twenty percent of your money. Talk about lousy. Here is what to do at all times. Always make line bets on the come out roll , always make come bets or place bets. Always take full odds. As much as is offered and as much as you can afford. Betting that way you can shave the house advantage down to as little as one quarter of one percent. Again, you may not win, few people do, but your stake will last longer. One more thing, never drink alcohol while gambling. The house has a good reason to give away free booze. Think about it. Now I want your opinion. Call me an idiot, or call me a saint. Years ago, in the fifties, before my time a crap shooter held the dice at Binion’s Horseshoe for several weeks. Crowds would gather to watch him play. Day after day he would win until he ran up his stake to $250 000, a huge fortune in those days. Benny Binion challenged him for all his money on one cut of the card deck..The gambler lost all of his money on that one card.